Joy’s book, Surviving the Storm details her journey through an eight month flood of change describing how her faith guided her to a new season of life. Joy C. Davidson is passionate about helping those experiencing their own flood of change find the Best New Normal.
Surviving the Storm: Finding the Best New Normal
By Joy C. Davidson
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$12.95 Softcover; $9.99 Ebook
About the Book
Joy’s book, Surviving the Storm details her journey through an eight month flood of change describing how her faith guided her to a new season of life. She is passionate about helping those who are transitioning find the Best New Normal and utilize their faith to accept and embrace change.
About the Author
A Colorado native, Joy C. Davidson has had many roles in her life: mother, financial services advisor, driving coach, and lifeguard to name a few. After raising her family, she found a new calling in caregiving. She most recently helped her mother navigate her journey with Vascular Dementia. This life-changing season propelled Joy into writing and speaking about utilizing life’s storms for growth with a positive attitude.